Compass Eight – navigator in the creation of experiential marketing programs.

Politics & Government

Exploring a diverse range of topics, our Politics & Government programs examine the impact of presidential elections, speeches that shaped and changed America, the role of the various branches of government, women's role in government and more.


Home \ Courses & Programs \ Politics & Government

Mount Rushmore: The Wisdom of our Fathers

Legacy of the Mount Rushmore presidencies

The White House & Marble Palace

Interplay between Executive and Judicial Branches

Defining Speeches of the American Century

Seminal Speeches of FDR, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Hilary Rodham Clinton

The Last Lion

Legislative legacy of Edward Kennedy

Women in Social & Political Leadership

Survey of women's political history

The UN at 65

History and future of the United Nations

Groundbreaking Justice

Louis Brandeis, Thurgood Marshall, Sandra Day O'Connor

Defining Speeches of The Kennedy Brothers

JFK, RFK and Edward Kennedy in their own words, defining a generation

Women and the 2012 Election

The tenor and discussion of women's issue in 2012 Presidential election


The impact of diplomacy on political geography

The US Senate: Exclusive Club or Lion's Den?

The colorful history and story of the US Senate

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